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Prioritize engagement – today, tomorrow, and all year long.

Take engagement beyond your events with ways to keep your audiences informed and engaged all year long in one mobile app. Enable your organization to create new revenue streams while providing continuous interaction and real-time communication.

woman on phone with overlays


Enable your audiences to engage from anywhere, anytime.

Configure the Mobile365 app with a simple and intuitive content management system to fit your organization’s needs.

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Allow members to build connections and increase social engagement through easy directory management with matchmaking capabilities.

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Encourage members to get involved and generate additional revenue through sponsorships with fun activities such as quizzes, scavenger hunts, trivia and more.

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Keep committee members focused with tools to collaborate, vote, and engage in meaningful discussions.

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Communicate and provide more networking opportunities within chapters by sharing events and keeping conversations flowing.

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Encourage connections with leadership and staff by providing more transparency and relationship-building activities.

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mobile app push notifications

Stay informed

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Event Apps

Use one mobile app for events and year-round engagement by leveraging EventMobile’s built-in features.

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Personalized Experience

Reach whomever you need more efficiently by sending push notifications with the ability to segment your audience.

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Events Calendar

Keep your events top of mind by showcasing all events, whether big or small, and allowing members to add them to their calendars.

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Hot Topics/Legislation

Educate members, keep everyone informed, and highlight advocacy efforts by building discussions on the topics that matter the most.

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Increase readability and communication efforts by making your newsletters and additional publications accessible to view.

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Increase Revenue

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Sponsorship Opportunities

Create new revenue streams yearly with rotating ads, banner ads, splash screens, and more. Deliver targeted content with sponsored messaging, content, and push notifications.

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Data Analytics & Reporting

Better insights, better decisions, better ROI.

Make data-driven decisions for future growth with comprehensive metrics and reporting tools. Adapt to changes quickly with real-time data you can count on.

Support to ensure your mobile platform runs smoothly.

Count on our dedicated team of experts to provide the training, knowledge, and resources you need to boost engagement all year long. Experience a painless integration and empower your team to make changes on their own through an intuitive and user-friendly Content Management System.

Make sure you take advantage of our built-in Help Desk feature too, with configurable options for members to connect with you and the TripBuilder Media support team.

Take engagement even further.

Schedule a demo to learn how TripBuilder Media can help you provide continuous interaction and communication channels.